Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Cider with Rosie

New poster for the theatrical adaptation of the Laurie Lee novel 'Cider with Rosie'.

Friday, 18 November 2011

Theatrical Posters

Two more theatrical posters I've made. I'm on a roll. One's for Ben Elton's 'Silly Cow'.
The other is for Ray Cooney's 'Funny Money'. I'm really enjoying this.....

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Haunting Julia

Completed another poster for the Pomegranate Theatre
This one's for the play 'Haunting Julia'.

Murdered to Death

My poster for the Pomegranate Theatre production of the Agatha Christie spoof Murdered to Death.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

More Graphic Ideas For The Concept Below

Remember I have a website of my other work!!!

Skate T-shirt design ideas for Pushwood.

A project I was working on last month.
Different designs for some skate T-shirts with a general 'nature theme'.
I have lot's of other ideas I am working on too :)

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Poster For Vintage Fare

Poster made for a vintage fare, this week. I'll be helping out there too.

Thursday, 31 March 2011


I've been meaning to do something with this drawing, so decided to finish it and make it into a mothers day card. A sketch that made a good line drawing, it just needed some colour and a purpose.

Happy Mothers Day all Mothers!

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Beer Bottle Label

A quick job. Two guys 30th Birthday party. I was informed it needed their faces, the Essex shield, the Southend Arms and they were both hairdressers. No illustration from me, just photoshop. Then had to stick them on 30 bottles of beer for their party.

I'm going to start posting illustrations soon, its far more interesting, creative and fun.
I finally have a desk to work at!

Monday, 31 January 2011

Christmas menu designed for a bar / restaurant

I should have posted this back in December. A last minute job to create a Christmas menu for a local bar/restaurant. They had left the menu until the last moment and so I helpfully got them out of a pickle. I had to create the menu description too. I had made several designs but this one seemed the clearest and simplest. It was also my first design. Don't try too hard, your first idea's often the best.

Don't forget, you can find my website at,